Department of Tourism
Department of Tourism

How can we help you?
Contact us by email on or send a commercial inquiry online.
who should attend?
This program is aimed at:
– All tour guides, tour operators, travel agents, ministry of tourism workers, airlines and booking officials, wishing to develop their skills and learn about everything new in tourism, promotion and development
– Who has a passion for the world of travel, excursions and tourism and wants to support him to get a career in this sector
This program aims to:
– Preparing trainers to work in the organization and management of tourism and travel
– Develop students’ skills in travel and tour operations
– Preparing students to work with travel agents and tour operators, or working as tour guides in attractions
– Introducing students to the importance of tourism at the national and global level, and its economic, cultural and social implications
Program content:
The program will address an explanation of the following points and axes:
1. Introduction to tourism and its types
2- Tourism countries and their capitals + the language of tourism
3- Explain how to book an airline ticket
4- Hotel reservations
5- The way to book a hotel online
6. Types of hotel rooms
7- Airport-to-hotel transfers and booking method
8- How to book a full trip for the customer
9- How to book a hotel professionally
10- Organizing a full tour
11- How to send an email to the hotel
12. Qualities of a successful employee
13- The way to write a full tourist program and send it to the customer
Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?